2016 Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,

As per our email communications, you are invited to the next Leominster Community Solar Co-op Annual General Meeting, which will be held at Grange Court in Leominster, at 7pm, on Thursday 21st July. The AGM will be held in conjunction with Leominster Sunrise Co-op.

Only members of each individual co-op are able to attend the formal business of each respective AGM, but as they will be run in succession, if you are a member of more than one, you will be able to attend each meeting.

Following the AGM business, Gordon Coppock, Chair of Kleen (an environmental group) in Kington, Director or Pomona Solar Co-op, Energy Consultant and electric vehicle advocate has kindly agreed to give a presentation. He will talk about electric vehicle charging in Herefordshire and his funded EU bid to help electric vehicles to take off in Herefordshire.

Best wishes,

Ben, Ann, Richard

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