Performance update…

Dear members,

Our latest meter readings are in and our output is higher than we had anticipated at this time. We are still working on a more automated solution to provide regular updates of performance on the site so please continue to watch this space!

All members should have received a copy of the AGM minutes electronically recently. A total of 18 members attended this lively meeting where a range of subjects concerning the coop, its running and rules were raised and discussed. A number of questions were asked and responses to these are included in the minutes.

As a reminder, we have received approval for EIS and the forms been sent out to members. If you have not received one or did not initially request one, please get in touch with Eithne:

Finally, as you may have seen on other correspondence, there are a number of other opportunities and openings that members may be interested in and that are listed here.

Sheffield Renewables (hydro) launched on September 15th with more details here:

Brixton Energy (solar) share offer is currently Take a look at:

Drumlin (wind) share offer is also underway:

Best wishes for a sunny autumn.

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